Hmmm.... tempting

This pic really makes me want to go black hood and tint my windows now that I’ve got a black roof.

Dont be a pussy and do it…

damn. that is HOT

looks like the wheels on the rear have just a tiny bit more dish…

thats a sexy car

ya, looks hawt. That hood is CF though. Either way, would look good.

I was thinking of doing this, along with CF headlights. Then it would all be black.

It certainly makes the front end look shorter.

that is sexy as hell

I might need to find a spare hood now, just to try this.

I like the leangth of the front end. If i was going to take anything off i would shorten the car around the front of the quarter windows. Basicly make it a two seater.

That picture was the inspiration for the paint scheme for that pearl white widebody S13 I posed up a while ago.


Are those Trial or Advan rims?

Black OEM hood=lame. Maybe FRP or CF. I don’t even like unpainted CF actually…

Those are ADVAN ONI’s and my god they are pimp. 8)

or get someone to photoshop yours first???

i’ll photoshop it. pm me a pic of your car.

In all honesty, the black hood is nice, but the body kit is ugly and the wheels do not match it by any means. But I always argue that less is more, a car should look stock and just be slammed on a nice set of wheels and thats it.

It is really nice all around I think … I just dont like white

I personally think it needs a black or cf hatch to make it complete.

hmm tint 8)