suggestions on things to do at night?


and again sarcasm> nyspeed. you are missing the whole point, i know 92slowcivic and it was a joke you dumb fuck. and for everyone to be flaming this kid, you guys are all idiots and need to find something else to do. how about instead of trying to make fun of him, you guys find something else to do, get a life, and stop trying to control his. here come the e-thugs…


you’re sounding like the e-thug here guy.

its nyspeed, we need to find something else to do instead of making fun of you guys??? Im on nyspeed for >1 hour a day, just because your buddy is getting some constructive criticism dont bunch your panties up. I don’t know either one of you, but just from reading this thread it’s sounding like one excuse after another, and some of us are just posting our .02

cky—i guess all i am getting to is this. maybe you are a workaholic and enjoy slaving for your possesions, but having three vehicles…, two of which sound like projects that dont or hardly run. Just doesn’t make sense, enjoy the gti, drive it all year round, and stop working so much. In the meantime, slam as many girls at college and party like its going out of style. Get out, get real job, buy your projects and whatever else you want.