suggestions on things to do at night?

my spelling and typing are 2 different things. i can spell very well, i was in AP english classes for 4 years.

i live in an apartment (in west seneca) too. not the one i pay for. our garage is around 100 yards away. that kills the extension cord idea, although the electricity in our garages will get fixed in around a week and a half.

its not that im whining. its that i dont want to change my musical tastes to go see some band to keep me busy. im just sick of the stupid shit me and my friends end up doing that we’ll eventually get caught and get in trouble doing.

and i didnt spell allowed wrong i used a completely different word by accident. lol

and again sarcasm> nyspeed. you are missing the whole point, i know 92slowcivic and it was a joke you dumb fuck. and for everyone to be flaming this kid, you guys are all idiots and need to find something else to do. how about instead of trying to make fun of him, you guys find something else to do, get a life, and stop trying to control his. here come the e-thugs…

thank you.

So you basically did the same shit when you were 17?

not at all actually

the only payment i have ever made is on my new ninja, and i still owe money on it and i know i shouldn’t have bought it, but meh. The nicest car i have owned in 5.5 years is my current 96 jetta. Sad maybe, but i paid jack shit for it and it gets 35mpg and runs and drives getting me everywhere i need to go. Im not trying to be a dickhead but im going to take a wild guess and assume this kid is paying somewhere near $250-$350 a month for his gti. All im saying is that a $350 a month payment seems stupid to me. Of course i would love to have a new car with a warranty or reliability, but that doesnt out weigh the $350 payment while im in college.

Ive moved out 3 times and spent a lot of stupid money for different things i wont even get into at this time, and he made this thread, so im just giving him some of my opinions. Ask Dex or Woody or many others on here, im fucking retarded when it comes to things, living with my ex-gf, buying project cars, owning two motorcycles, ill be the first to admit im a dumbass, but jesus christ it sounds like this kid is taking on too much right now and should just sit back and enjoy his final year of HS and all of college. I still have 2.5 years left in college and im finally starting to change my ways.

Just my .02

you have your own apartment have a party??? invite a bunch of friends tell them to invite their friends and have the greatest beer pong tourney in the history of the world?

you’re sounding like the e-thug here guy.

its nyspeed, we need to find something else to do instead of making fun of you guys??? Im on nyspeed for >1 hour a day, just because your buddy is getting some constructive criticism dont bunch your panties up. I don’t know either one of you, but just from reading this thread it’s sounding like one excuse after another, and some of us are just posting our .02

cky—i guess all i am getting to is this. maybe you are a workaholic and enjoy slaving for your possesions, but having three vehicles…, two of which sound like projects that dont or hardly run. Just doesn’t make sense, enjoy the gti, drive it all year round, and stop working so much. In the meantime, slam as many girls at college and party like its going out of style. Get out, get real job, buy your projects and whatever else you want.

i understand you completely.
i only pay 250 a month on it, im trying to get rid of the talon but im actually finishing it to make some profit on it to put into my other project which doesn’t really need much to get finished. a few weekends and 2000 bucks and it will be done. i do that for fun.

so then hopefully i’ll be down to 2 cars. which means i can probably ditch a job.

college starts on the 4th so i figure why not try some different things before it starts rather than the same old shit every night.

im just stuck in the work and cars own me mindset and i just wanna get out and relax away from it for a while.

going to classic cue tonite.

anyone know how late its open?

im being no e-thug. i dont know this kid at all, i was just messing around and someone called me a dumb fuck. i can appreciate your .02 though. :2fingers: now you have mine, congratulations.

Camp kill Yourself…

On the first part. Noone is asking you to not listen to hardcore, but go out and try catching a live show of a different genre. You’d be amazed at how much fun ANY live music can be. Open you eyes and ears to something new.

On the 2nd point. being 17 years old is all about doing stupid shit and getting caught and getting in trouble. That is the best part.

Give it a few years, and you’ll be wishing you were 17 again.

haha, its such a good band.

i do occasionally go to other shows, like thursday in the square. so many hott girls at shows of any type.

i hate getting caught, the best is almost getting caught and then getting away fine.

Bahhh, you’re 17. In a few months when you turn 18, your records clear and you can continue life like nothing happened.

Get all the stupid shit you want to do out of your system now while you still can.

just because i know you doesn’t mean i was joking. you are a dumb fuck. now prepare to get stomped in mariokart64. hey cky89, go buy a nintendo 64 and a case of beer. there, problem solved.

Went to classic cue tonite tons of fun, cheap and really good food.

congratulations. so are you home for the night to check out your teenie boppers website?

halo 2 online and then checkin the sites :stuck_out_tongue:

at least you find something to do man :tup: even if it lands you in jail. :wink:

hahahaha for sure

idk y u pay insurance on 2 cars that u dont drive.?