suggestions on things to do at night?

i dont get ass all the time. OCCASIONALLY. and its with the same girl mostly.

im no where near fat and never will be lol

You don’t have a career. You likely don’t have many bills.

I’d say that qualifies as not having many responsibilites that hold you back from just wandering about aimlessly and having a good time all summer long.


i dont get ass all the time. OCCASIONALLY. and its with the same girl mostly.


so to quote my favorite movie go get some strange ass. dont kids drink anymore these days make some bad decisions it’ll be fun


You don’t have a career. You likely don’t have many bills.

I’d say that qualifies as not having many responsibilites that hold you back from just wandering and having a good time all summer long.about aimlessly


i pay rent
phone bill
car payment
insurance on 3 cars
i pay for my tools for school and work

thats MORE than enough for a kid my age to handle dude.

At 17, you ahve all that?

Did you drop out of high school or something?

no, im getting ready for college. so i kinda need to do all that. this is on top of 3 jobs.

how are you bored if you have 3 jobs?

when im bored is usually right after work which is anywhere between 9 and 11

which is when i look to do shit.


i pay rent
phone bill
car payment
insurance on 3 cars
i pay for my tools for school and work

thats MORE than enough for a kid my age to handle dude.


1)phone bill? ok what $40 a month?
2)car payment at 17yo = fucking retarded
3)congrats on the tools n shit i guess?
4)insurance on 3 cars? WTF is wrong with you. You are 17, you should be driving a POS econobox, partying, and getting wet. Not working 3 jobs to support having 3 cars. Thats so idiotic.
5) you pay rent at 17? sounds fishy to me

If i had the chance to go back 5 years, i would have never had project cars/money pits and i probably wouldn’t of had a gf for the 4.5 years.

There was always something to do, even when i was whipped by the gf there was something diff every night. And STOP HATING FUN!!! try new shit and open up to different ideas. Or get cooler friends?


a while ago back when i was in high school, a fellow board member and myself were board one night and snuck on the roof of our high school and hung a huge for sale sign made out of a bed sheet. it didnt last long, actually it was gone before school started that day. plan b is currently in the making…


let me get this straight, you are out of high school and still planning to prank the high school you went to? sweet. shutting off automatic doors is hilarious. i did it the other day at work when i left the hampton inn. these two old people ran right into it. priceless. i don’t know that i would make a night out of it though.


let me get this straight, you are out of high school and still planning to prank the high school you went to? sweet. shutting off automatic doors is hilarious. i did it the other day at work when i left the hampton inn. these two old people ran right into it. priceless. i don’t know that i would make a night out of it though.


yes that is correct. at least i know ill never get blamed for it and they can give some kid detenton cuz the rumors spread so bad that him and his friends did it. oh and great job with the old people, should have just thrown rocks at them when they came out, dick. :shoot:


1)phone bill? ok what $40 a month?
2)car payment at 17yo = fucking retarded
3)congrats on the tools n shit i guess?
4)insurance on 3 cars? WTF is wrong with you. You are 17, you should be driving a POS econobox, partying, and getting wet. Not working 3 jobs to support having 3 cars. Thats so idiotic.
5) you pay rent at 17? sounds fishy to me

If i had the chance to go back 5 years, i would have never had project cars/money pits and i probably wouldn’t of had a gf for the 4.5 years.

There was always something to do, even when i was whipped by the gf there was something diff every night. And STOP HATING FUN!!! try new shit and open up to different ideas. Or get cooler friends?


We need to get together over some beers sometime.

bobby - you sound like a real winner, dumb fuck.

cky - wtf??? first off, i doubt you have 3 REAL jobs. maybe two here and there jobs, and one kind of a real job. eg, mighty taco, delivering papers, and helping your uncle with cars do not qualify as 3 jobs. (not saying that’s what you do, just examples). why are you complaining so much? on this forum? we don’t give a fuck. go have fun, hang out with friends, and stop whining. i wish i was 17 again… life was so much easier.


yes that is correct. at least i know ill never get blamed for it and they can give some kid detenton cuz the rumors spread so bad that him and his friends did it. oh and great job with the old people, should have just thrown rocks at them when they came out, dick. :shoot:



bobby - you sound like a real winner, dumb fuck.

cky - wtf??? first off, i doubt you have 3 REAL jobs. maybe two here and there jobs, and one kind of a real job. eg, mighty taco, delivering papers, and helping your uncle with cars do not qualify as 3 jobs. (not saying that’s what you do, just examples). why are you complaining so much? on this forum? we don’t give a fuck. go have fun, hang out with friends, and stop whining. i wish i was 17 again… life was so much easier.



Hello McFly? You only have a few months left until <18 year old girls will never be legal again in your life. Think about it.



It took me ~10 minutes to realize that my 18th birthday was a sad day.



It took me ~10 minutes to realize that my 18th birthday was a sad day.


Dont be sad. Just go to the square. There is plenty of < 18 year old girls that pretend to be 21 or older. I just met 2 girls last week that were 16 and drinking beer and had wrist bands and everything.

hang out at the Emporium and Have a Beer Blast at the Moon Tower


1)phone bill? ok what $40 a month?
2)car payment at 17yo = fucking retarded
3)congrats on the tools n shit i guess?
4)insurance on 3 cars? WTF is wrong with you. You are 17, you should be driving a POS econobox, partying, and getting wet. Not working 3 jobs to support having 3 cars. Thats so idiotic.
5) you pay rent at 17? sounds fishy to me

If i had the chance to go back 5 years, i would have never had project cars/money pits and i probably wouldn’t of had a gf for the 4.5 years.

There was always something to do, even when i was whipped by the gf there was something diff every night. And STOP HATING FUN!!! try new shit and open up to different ideas. Or get cooler friends?

[/quote] bill-80 payment- i need a reliable car to make it to and from rochester on the weekends for the next 3 years. have no choice, need them for school and work, no way around it. i need full coverage on my gti because i make payments. the other 2 just have comp on them so im aloud to keep them in the garages where i live. i refuse to drive a shitbox. kthx.
i work 3 jobs to have a nice car and to be able to afford to live. i have an apartment behind monroe community college that i didnt move into yet, but ive paid a months rent already. its cheaper to have the apartment than it would cost me in gas and tickets to commute.


bobby - you sound like a real winner, dumb fuck.

cky - wtf??? first off, i doubt you have 3 REAL jobs. maybe two here and there jobs, and one kind of a real job. eg, mighty taco, delivering papers, and helping your uncle with cars do not qualify as 3 jobs. (not saying that’s what you do, just examples). why are you complaining so much? on this forum? we don’t give a fuck. go have fun, hang out with friends, and stop whining. i wish i was 17 again… life was so much easier.


west herr toyota- real job
im a cook at a restraunt. not a fast food joint.
sandblasting. pretty real job.

im not whining im just asking what there is to do, ive gotten a few pretty good responses and am waiting to hear more from some people who responded with things that i may be interested in.

you should take up reading… seriously. you don’t seem to like anything else that any other 17 y/o guys would like, except cars…

plus it would help you to be able to spell words like restaurant and allowed right!

i meant to mention this before, but you said you would work on your car(s) at night, but there is no light in your garage… ok… you can’t buy a flood light or rig a couple up? run an extension cord? that’s why we’re criticizing… you have more excuses and no answers.


west herr toyota- real job
im a cook at a restraunt. not a fast food joint.
sandblasting. pretty real job.

im not whining im just asking what there is to do, ive gotten a few pretty good responses and am waiting to hear more from some people who responded with things that i may be interested in.
