Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

its called lazy. dont use your knee as an excuse.

No, its called my knee was broken in half and i wasnt able to get under a car/drive a car with a full leg cast…even though i tried. sorry.

You fucking pussy

Yup thats me…

It’s all good

Went over the last few days with Adam and Sean to work on the 3000. We took everything possible out of the engine bay/sanded it down/hit it with some primer/ then painted the bay today. I think it came out awesome, there are some little areas that I may need to respray, but overall it came out great. I went with a “tough, durrable” paint because I’m always working on the car. I wanted a contrasting color engine bay, it’ll help it stay clean and it’s pretty unique.

looks good

Car came out good

Thank you Sean and Adam, No way in hell I would have gone over by myself. haha

Looks awesome!
Is that an EF hatch next to it? If so, what is it for? It appears to have a swap.

Big ballin, oh btw Sully, i was talking to my old man about the “tear gas syndrome” from the heater, he said it needs to be kerosene, NOT diesel lol. He said if we were in there for too long would woulda got Co2 poisoning! Oh well…

No prob nignog!

YIKES… hmmm. thats probably not good

Nah, he was rolling when i told him i was damn near cryin in there. Hes like, “you tard, you cant run diesel, you guys will kill yourselfs lol. Make sure your buddy aint dead and passed out in the shop!”

bull shit!!!


ahh FUCK!

You can run diesel…just not for real long periods of time

Im tellin ya man, it was BAD, i had to go outside for a few mins lol.

Bah the heater in my garage was burning diesel and you fuckers are all still here