Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

I’m not sure what time I’m going down. If I work tonight, I wont be able to get there till about 9-10ish. So it might have to wait till tomorrow to continue…

Looks like ill be putting this car together with your broken collar bone an alll

Ill help out as much as possible too :thumbup

He will come back from vacation and the car will be done if me and you get ahold of it

thanks guys. I’m wayyy bummed about this

i’ll point and make fun !! lol

no need to be bummed, im serious though ill get that shit together

as long as it wasn’t ur whack off hand it wont be that bad…:rofl

yeh i broke my right collar bone too, and thats the prime wackin hand lol. So weird doing everything lefty, wait till to take a shit and go to wipe hahaha

:lol word!

DUDE!! That was the worst part of being in my leg cast. Try droppin duece with youre leg straight out and propped up on the tub leaning over all retarded like…sooo whack!!

quoted that shit! haha

Ive never done an awd car, but its just nuts and bolts, cant be all that bad. Plus, sean can shit talk us while were doin it :lol

just wet his lips and stick him to the wall. u know what i’m talking about:ninja:rofl

Pfft we can put this thing together with ease. I have already done every thing on the car that you have including doing the wiring harness. This shit will be easy

fuel rail fittings need to be replaced/re-oringed… sully dont forget that.

yea Brett. If I don’t need surgery, I’ll be over to work on it sooner…

Fuck it I will be over there tonight

u guy’s looked busy aa hell working on that thing yesterday. phew i don’t know how u guy’s dooooo EEEET… ;{

Haha, shut it. This thing’s never gonna get done , lmao…