Sully's 93' VR-4 Build

I just had a scary dream that my car only ran a ~12.5X :ohnoes

on the brakes

nope, I was in it to win it… :frowning:

if it doesnt esssplode on the line, 9.x @ zooooomg

I was in a cold sweat. and everyone was laughing, hahaha

what did i miss?

only a nightmare, haha

Haha, told ya not to do those schrooms! :rofl

AEM EMS should hopefully be back from AEM within the next two weeks…:excited

dont feel bad man AAA FTW. :banghead

HAHA, yea I can always count on them to get home! :rofl
As long as I’m within 100 miles… :lol

ive used it many times!

AEM just responded to me asking for $440 to repair my unit! WTF!!!

And the ass fucking continues…


is ur gf worth $440?


Dear Dan Sulivan
This is an Automated Email response to inform you that your Return has beenresolved. Please see the detailed information below.

Issue Description: 1311-0058, had problems with coms on the dyno, drove the cararound for a while and one day it would not start, and no coms, swapped in a FactoryECU and the car started. Inspect unit.
Issue Resolution: inspect: Unable to communicate with unit initially. Inspectedunit and found damaged trace on the main board. Will have to repair and replacecomponents.
The amount due to proceed with Repairs will cost $444.00. For payment please callxxxxxxxxxxxx and have you Return Number xxxxxxxxxxxx ready. Typically once wereceive payment its aproximatialy 2-3 business days for the package to ship.

Thank you for your patience,AEM Support Team

just asking. maybe u could sell a hoe

yes! think I can get $444 out of her?! :number1