Sully's 93' VR-4 Build


Fuckin scanks…

is sean Molder?


^ that’s the most sense this thread has made in a while

I hate my car…

What now…

Supposed to street tune with Morgan today, buuuuuut I think I’ll just spend my day swapping the water pump/crank pully.
That sounds like fun! :Idiots:'(

Ah nooooooooo…

didnt work last night?

It seemed like it worked. But, this morning when I was checking over everything, the crank pully was still wobbling (sp?) and there was still squeaking coming from the water pump area…
But on another note, the WBo2 sensor is now working with the AEM…

Gotta replace that pin

I have an extra crank pulley here at my house…

I pulled something in my lower abdomen from pushing this land yacht on wheels yesterday

The rear end is out! :eek

does this car run?

Engine next

what was the point of taking the rear end out


Ford 9" goin in.