*Summer Night Cruise FRIDAY 8/14/09*

Well that makes two of us

60% of the time, you would die everytime

Sooo you’re saying there’s a chance.

yes lloyd.

Okay, this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadliest_Warrior

But with Benny vs. Brett. Come on.

Sounds tempting so long as this is a nice relaxing cruise and not a stunt fest.


Please stop trying to get me killed.

See what happens when you get her hopes up and then crush them?

Can a mod split this into OT…

This cruise isn’t meant for the race wars members.

i’m in. nothing like a nice cruise after beating the shit out of the car all day. my top WILL be down, as always :wink:

no ryan, just no.

Yea Wayne!! That’s what i’m talking about!


Ryan you popping the top?


I’ll be there!!!

sorry guys, I’m out.

nice. :lol

well we didnt want you there anyways…

lol, I keed, I keed

It’s a possibility. :ponder