Sunday Beaverun

Hey if any one wants to go up to beaverun tomorrow im gonna be at the MM at 745 and im leaving at 8 to go. this is for the autocross or if you just want to have something to do on sunday let me know.

man, I would love to get involved in stuff like this, but it’s so awkward without having any experience. Obviously this particular event is over, do they have these weekly? what’s the scene like?

me too…

and i drive a TA

If you really wanna get started next weekend is a really good chance. Drivers school on saturday (5th) and a event on sunday (6th). Already a thread on here about it (ignore the date in the title).

I don’t know what you mean my ‘scene’. But if you wanna get a idea of some of the cars that were at beaverun this past weekend click here (check back tonight there should be some more pics).

ryan if you want to get involved let me know you and i can go to the school on saturday then the event on sunday ill show you what i know and if chirs is going he can show you even more

I would love to do the driver’s school, but I don’t have a helmet, and I don’t see price listed for that, is it the same as a regular event? I know there is a lot of information out there, but it just seems to be spotted all over the place. How many people would be expected to show up for the drivers school?

If you have or can borrow a motorcycle helmet (M rating, not a DOT 3) that will work. Though for the school I think they will have a few loaners available. I think the cost is $20 or $25 bucks? I think they are limiting the school to 40 people, so I’d get there a bit early (between 8-9). They usually don’t fill up, but just in case.

for a suby owner you can use mine lol ah i cant wait YAY

Well, i’m now seriously interested in this, especially with the significant other being busy for the weekend. I’m trying to read up as much as I possibly can on their site, but this would probably be a great way for me to get started in the stuff I want to do that was the basis for buying this car to begin with.

So, is there anything obvious that beginners overlook? I might buy a helmet tomorrow.

lol yea beginneers are asked to ride with experienced drivers its just to get some idea of the track

ok so who is going on saturday i want to know who im gonna be meeting lol

Well, I would really like to go, real bad, I didn’t get a chance to buy a helmet so… Will I be able to find an XLish helmet to use up there?

yea theres mine if you really wanna use it are you going sat and sun or just one day?

I would ideally like to go down on saturday and become familiar with the whole setup, and do a few more weekends later in the year. wouldn’t be able to go sunday because I softball starting this weekend. About how late should i expect it to run on saturday?

eh i m guessing between 3-5 maybe its a large intervul but it still works

Okay, I’m like 95% for saturday, so long as my idiot friends don’t keep me up late tonight.