Supra VS Neon VS Grand Am

on my way home from work i ran in to a white supra knowing that it was audis4 and that i was in my ES (extra slow) Neon i decided to have some entertainment on my ride home. I stuck with him for a little till that thing called a gov. kicked in to ruin my fun. then he slowly pulled ahead. Oya and the red grand am was flying up from the rear after we slowed down nice job! well it was fun!

lol… nice

this Kill is :gay: SUPER!


this kill is gay super? lol

its ultra gay talk lol Super!!


:biglol:great story

I can see posting a funny kill story with really slow cars…but wtf just happened here?

I fugured it was someone on here lol. I wouldn’t call it a race, I never took it out of 5th. How did you know it was me?

Silly cracker, you can’t take a Supra on zee highway. Everybody knows that.

its not every day you see some one driving a supra in the winter at an average of 75 mph followed by a red grand am wanting to get raw lol. i figured that u were either running in 5th or 3 cylinders wat ever helped pass my 15 min. ride home

I thought that red Grand Am was with you.

no, he was in the neon. I’m not sure who was in the grand am (he was behind me, passed me and 1 other car in front on the right shoulder), but i was thinking about dropping to 3rd and running with ya, but there was to much traffic for me. Plus, i’m on bald firehawk gta03’s (shit traction period).

oh, i was in the white celica gts you flew by first.

u must have like no tread at all if u lose traction in a celica gts via a roll race. this thread is a uncureable std


well, my wear bars are showing on my passanger front, and the driver side is damn close. rears are just as bad. Plus it was freezing that night and with those tires, if you hit a patch of snow at all you lose traction and i wasnt up for that at 100+mph.

Hell, 2 hours after it rained, if i were to all of a sudden drop to 3rd at 60, so i would hit lift my tire(s) spin.

Oh dear.

For the record I was not racing anyone. I had it in 5th. I just drive fast all the time and you guys decided to attempt to keep up.

Truth. lol