Surprise for you rally fans...

Silly season is already in full swing, and Ford strikes th first blow.
Guess who’s driving a Focus next year?

That’s cool. That’ll be on the same platform as the Mazda 3, as well.

very cool now if they would just bring the AWD focus here.

Never happen.

I’m curious as to how this affects team Oreca’s plan. If the money is already there, then they will continue on with Loeb (I asume) and maybe add someone else?

On another note, the lack of numerous factory teams should open up the door for more privateer type teams to actually get some face time, if they can keep up with the factory cars next year.

I don’t think losing the two french teams for one season will be as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. Citroen is a relative newcomer anyway, so even though they are world champions, they are still new on the scene, taking a year off isn’t a big deal. Peugeot, well, they are just sucking since all the corporate money went to the Xsara.

I see Loeb trying to make a go of it in the privateer Citroen and failing miserably until 2007 when the playing field is totally shuffled with the completely new format and the return of Citroen. Don’t count out Skoda… Factory teams are still where it’s at, Gronholm knows that. Rally as we know it won’t be radically different. Expect Mitsu to make a run at it as well. I don’t see the privateers making many runs at the podium except in specialty rallys like Catalunya, Sweden and GB where the local ringers come out to play.

“Ford’s seats are among the most coveted for ‘06 as the outfit, which will introduce an all-new Focus based on the road car’s most recent generation, is emerging as favorites for the title alongside Subaru”

wow but an AWD ford would be nice… i might own one.

If it doesn’t break Ford will have one hell of a rally car this year :stuck_out_tongue:

You could buy the 500 :rolljerk: . I read somewhere that if they were to bring an AWD turbo focus to the states it would cost somewhere around $28,000. I know it would be worth the cash but no one stateside would understand how superior it is the the american focus and no one would spend close to 30k for a focus.

^^^^not a chance that i would even think about buying a 30k focus, i mean come on, its a FOCUS!!!..but in all seriousness the quality of ford cars just is not up to par, theres no point in driving a cool car if you cant always depend on it to run correctly

I’ve never had an issue with my Focus. I know the quality isn’t as high as Honda but people always bad mouth the Focus and I am pleasantly surprised with mine.

Being a rally fan i would love to own one but i hear ya about the price even though im sure the price would be worth it.

People tell me, “You should buy American”.

I have always said, “I would love to buy American but they don’t make any cars I would even consider buying, maybe if they make an AWD, turbo sports car I will”.

The Evolution is clearly not just a Lancer with a turbo and AWD.
If Ford goes the extra mile and really “builds” a turbo, AWD Focus properly I might have to buy one.:ohnoes:

I would love to buy American but, I am not going to something that does not appeal to me.

“Build it and they will come”

If Ford builds it they might get the attention of NASCAR fans and we all know the buying power of NASCAR fans.

turbo awd focus is not really an american car, and buy the time they imported it from the uk to the us it would be too much $$$$