
anybody else ever watch this show? i think it’s on the science channel…caught it for the first time last night at the gf’s house after the sabres game…fuckin kickass show, that guy is intense

they basically take him to some remote location, away from civilization with NOTHING but his clothes, wool socks, a 55lb bag of camera equipment to record everything, and a swiss army knife…

dude has to make it 7 days in the wild all on his own…

last night he was in the costa rican jungle…spiders the size of his hands, lots of mean ants, big cats, and monkeys throwing stuff at him…and all along the way he explains the pros and cons of what he is doing and what to do if ever in his position…for example, he was drinking from a stream he found in the jungle, and was saying that amoebas and what not found in these waters put people in hospital beds for months at a time, but right now the risk of heat stroke is too high to worry about that…
he also had to kill and eat a little lizard after roasting it over a fire he had to make by rubbing stick together…

the dude is sweet…

i guess in a past episode he was placed in some really cold snowy place in quebec…and next week, he’ll be in a desert…definitely a show i would make time for on a weekly basis, or at least record so i can watch it at a later time, since i dont really like spending every friday night at 10 or 11pm watching tv

yeah he knows the survival stuff … i mean most of it is common sence … i still watch the show anyway … i usually learn a thing or 2 …best way is pick up military manuals mostly UK and US ones

I have this show on my dvr and haven’t missed an ep yet. It’s one of the best “educational” shows on tv.

It is pretty sweet. My dad use to do shit like that when he was in college. He would go out to the southerntier alot and just live off the land for a few weeks.