The grizzly man diaries

A friend of mine keeps telling me about this show, but i can’t seem to find any torrents of the episodes?

anyone able to help out?

thats the guy who lived with the bears and ended up getting mauled to death right?

yes that’s the one

Well i found the documentary movie from 2005, “Grizzly Man”, but still no signs of the episodes… I know a few of them have aired, it seems unlikely that no one would torrent them

well, you already know how it ends

I’ve been looking for those episodes too.

anyone on a newsgroup or have other sources aside from the basic torrent sites?

I thought this was a movie?

Seems to be quite a few torrents for it.

lol that guy is a moron. I watched a few episodes and he names all the bears “Rainbow”, “Sprinkles”, and begins to see certain ones as his friends. I turned it off when he tried protecting some of his favorites from this huge bear by making noise and trying to scare off the other bear.

yeha this guys a real character,he screams at his own camera about how “the man” is taking up bear habitat and how he loves them so much.
he then got his face bit off

the TV show is simply the movie chopped up into pieces for TV.

so just netflix or torrent the movie and save yourself the commercials.

I saw the show a few times…didn’t know he got mauled to death though. that sucks.

remember watching it. He was a fruit…and apparently he tasted like berries.

dude was mad gay