Sutter's Wednesday Nights Starting 10/01/08

supposidly theres a brunette 24 y/o starting friday. :giggedy

mike did something cool the one time i don’t go? this must be all made up.

yeah you shouldve came down…

pfft, I told you to come…

lol but who hooked ya up?! haha brian sutters asked me if i wanted to and i was like…no, but i will go get a couple guys that will…matt,dan and mike :lol

WTF I woulda came out! Wens. was my b-day and we went out to Bombers later that night… shiiiiiiiit.

you act like we missed it, dont worry we didn’t miss anything. i was right next to the girl when whe was lying down to do body shots.

OK OK so now im on the right thread…

Hope everyones going tonight! :cool

ill be there!!!

Is amy comming too?

duno if i’m going… still dont feel good

Man up…

I just washed my balls for you.

wow jim must have been the first time in weeks you’ve done that

i should be there

months, and you WILL be there

i MAY be there



fail. i will be there in a lil while

Me and Sully will be arriving around 9 :banana

awww the happy couple will be there awwwww