SV guys: How easy is it to convert the "S" clip-ons to bars?

…or hard? :rofl

I heard you’ll need the top triple, bars/controls and need to have all the cables/hose extended. Right?


You shouldn’t need the controls and should be able to extend/stretch the wires with stock harness.

Who’s bike is that? Feel free to get a hold of Captain Morgan. He’s got my Gsxr front end S, stock S and my Naked at his garage right now with plenty of parts laying around.

Ps, got a 180 kit too if you want :rofl

It’s a random pict. I don’t need the front end, just wanted to see how little I need to spend to do a N bar conversion.

Oh, kind of looked like your garage.

You want a bar for the track or retiring sv from track duty?

I like the bars a lot on my N

Not my garage, and no not retiring the sv.

I need a bike for ascutney hillclimb race :excited, but I can’t use my SV cause their lame rules only allow bike with bars…:Idiots

To do it right I’d do what Vlad said but people who do the gsxr swaps an the bars just drill the top triple and but bar risers and away you go

srs question, why switch from clipons?

was wondering the same till i saw his post

Ohhh i see.

I missed that. I just see all these guys switching them to be “street fighters” and such.

Tell ya what, putting my Duc back together I am happy I didnt go typical fighter and do straight bars because i have adjusted my clips ons in towards the tank twice sofar to make it more comfortable.



^ Yup.

but more like this…:excited


I’ve always wondered, how do they know the course so well?

On that note, does this mean that my Motard qualifies to run?

When are you going?? :excited

I think you have 1 or 2 practice runs.

The hillclimb is essentially made for tards, in addition to the bar requirement, all bikes must be either single or twin (2 or 4 stroke). Clearly the rules are there to eliminate ss bikes.

I think the race is Aug 25~26, and I think you will need to be a licensed racer to enter. Take a look at their sporting reg. triple and bars forsale