Sweet cop car, no hemi here just turblo!

Whats wrong with the Crown Vics? I know I will never buy one but for a cop what do you really need? They have a large trunk for supplies, a large back seat for criminals, a large front section for personal equipment. They are big enough to take a pounding if need be. And its not like they need to drag race to every chase.

I’d like to see how a Legacy (a car which I like) would fare in a high speed chase when they have to ram into a criminals car. Talk about expensive repair bill.

Or that Porsche (sp?), what the hell is that car going to do in a high speed chase, run the criminal off the road, give me a break.

Cop cars are cheap and tough. They get the job done. And no matter how fast you are you can’t outrun the police ban so what the hell is the point?

while i see your point, i was simply stating that amreican made cars are on their way down the tubes, and that they are really making crap products when compared to the competition, and that everyone is starting to realize that and spend their money elsewhere

oh the ironing


FOCUS your attention and you may notice something…

God now you know someone at Amherst PD is going to be jumping all over Legacy 2.5GTS now >.>;;

yeah i know, i drive an american made car. but i hate the plastic interior lol. im going to make my own custom coverings for the dash and doors when i have money because i hate it so much, but thats the price you pay for wanting to be different

torque + plastic interior > no torque + nicer materials

This thread was about cop cars. While I agree with you overall that Jap imports are better than Domestics to be honest I think the quality of American cars has been on the rise now for the past 5 years.

Bingo. And it will only continue to get better…

yea, just so long as they dont go bankrupt in the process. on average american car companies lose $20 per sale on any given vehicle, while the average import company MAKES $1000 per vehicle sold