sweet jesus ver.getyourkevinsmithfixhere


*motion for movie of the century




fuck yeah!!!

never heard of it




you’ve never heard of clerks???

That will be the first movie I see in the theatre since the last Star Wars…

i can’t believe the lack of response to this…lol…

dude im psyched…the first thing i did when i got to UB, was DC++ every Kevin Smith movie…funny shit…can’t wait@!

Maybe its cause all the real Kevin smith fans knew about this already…

j/k im super psyched about this. Kevin was totally turning into a dick when he swore never to use jay and silent bob again. Thank god he got over himself.

even the kevin smith insiders can’t know about an internet release only trailer released an hour before i put it here :stuck_out_tongue:

but seriously…i put up a thread for clerks two and its overshadowed by a guy who wants grillz


Fuck grillz, bump for Clerks 2!

:gtfo: :biglol:

same here, unless the woman wants to see something between now and then…which doesn’t seem very likely. :slight_smile:

I’ll see it.