had a great time
thank you guys :tup:

Paul was hosting them on youtube for us I have to wait for him to send me the link… speaking of which I guess I’ll start a thread in kills lols.

Thanks for having this, had some fun and met a few people. :slight_smile:

great time, awesome shop!

good time

thanks for setting this up paul…i would like to see this happen again, i had a good time and met some new people :tup:

Had a good time, shame on the rain, but still enjoyed.

Thanks Paul it was nice seeing you.

i had a fun time today, and im no too upset with rich flipping the burgers way too much.lol stupid burger newb

all these posts and no pictures??

:word: come on guys, i think there was a good showing

I got 1 pic of newman’s plate because the guys at work didnt think anyone was gay enough to put it on their car. I had to prove them wrong! Thanks newman!

They are so in love with that video the one guy made his daughter draw me a turtle with… yes, I LIKE TURTLES on the top.

Great showing guys… shop is really nice. Food was great.

The racing was slow and gay :slight_smile:

Good time!

Will do business soon for sho!

Sorry, didn’t even think to bring my camera along, plus I didn’t think I was going to be able to stay as long as I did, but my other plans cancelled.

Saw Alot of people 'have time to stop by, so i beeped.

Fun time! Thanks Paul and Rich

+1 :tup: guys, glad i could get my car together to make it. it was a blast hope to deff do it again

kinda pissed i didnt make it out, weather ftl

Thanks for the support everybody!!

great time for sure, will def go again if you have it!