Synapse BBq thread...vid's and pics.

its gonna be a carb car with no spray…and a driver thats never had power before :ohnoes :lol

I’m gonna go ahead and call it now, his will either A.) Never get done or B.) Be a huge flop

wait what? why on earth would he do that. if anything, stroker, carb, 2 stages…

Yup, no job+building ENITRE car in 5 months=FAIL

nope hes sellin his kit and going all motor…GAAAAYYYYYY

He’s got no shot then…Not even at my civic :mwahaha :mwahaha :mwahaha :mwahaha :mwahaha

all motor? dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.

From a dig he might put up a good fight Joe, thats about it though…

hell run out of gear by 1000 ft though.

idk we’ll see…my car may come out stock next year.

try about 800’ out if he keeps his gearing the same…but who knows what the kid is doin, hes doin the sneaky gay shit like lazano…

mine too, stock 5.Slow

well if hes revving beyond what hes at now, then im saying 1000ft.

Lozano, not lazano.

yeah but there’s a difference, i’m actually half serious


and me too :ninja

i might be stock. seriously.


for real. sell it and roll out! stock toyota living the bill-less life somewhere else

yeah but Adam, you think I’m kidding. I keep coming back to the thought of my civic being my daily driver, so why not put some strong internals in it(pistons & rods) and get it back together.

I’ll just tell my dad to throw together a '70 Challenger or Road Runner and bring it out for ya ;D

haha some day…

Not a bad idea, kinda like me gettin rid of the Massch. And then Pete can reel me in in his stock MK5!!! :umm