Synapse BBq thread...vid's and pics.

yeah would be a good idea, but you wont do it, youll build the K20…who you tryin to kid here lol

No, I’m talking about when my dad grows a sack and builds himself something to come stomp out with :lol

lol nice. Im really considering selling my car considering what im trying to get a job doing. I could use the extra$$$ and could DEF deal without all the BS that comes with it!!

what are you trying to get a job doing you big fag?

some form of law enforcement, sherriff, DEA, albany M.R.T etc…

my dad had a 70 challenger, RT/SE 383 4 speed, matching numbers.

his car had a .60over 383 with a big cam, and port work, headers and exhaust
had 15x10s in the back

Challenger Base: 53,337
Challenger T/A: 2,142
Challenger R/T Coupe: 12,747
Challenger R/T Convertible: 1,070
Challenger RT/SE Coupe: 3,679 pretty rare car compared to the total production. original color was Go-mango orange. but it was painted black/gold. he sold it to a guy with the motor that was in it, plus the matching numbers engine/tranny. the guy restored it and we saw the car about 10 years ago, nothing since.

ahhh I see

Yeah my dad’s Challenger was a T/A, blue, 340 Six-Pack, pistol grip 4 speed…He’s got so many pics, he got it when he was 18, sold it in his early 20’s because my mom’s dad told him to :idiots He kicks himself to this day. He had a sick Road Runner too, red and black.

T/A’s are awesome cars. high revving 340’s

my dad sold his because of me and my sisters.

hes had a ton of old cars. sucks hes got nothing fun anymore. im sure hed be alot happier.

AAR Cuba out in Vegas

The Cuda and the Yenko Chevelle are my favorite muscle cars… so sick

Oh and do you have a pic of the car to the left of the Cuda? ;D

Yeah my dad hasn’t had anything fun since having my 2 sisters and brother…I mean he had a black '03 Z06 in 2004…but only for a short time because it wasn’t practical, as well as a '70 Chevelle SS, cammed 454…Sold that within a year or so too because he got a nice offer on it and was around the time his 4th kid(my youngest sister) was being born. I’d say he’s having fun with my cars, I think he enjoys it/has fun doing it(working on/building them). Hopefully he’ll get something sweet within the next couple years.
:ohnoes :giggedy

Imperial Palace?



more like this.

yea the crx was rhd and yea it’s was cool…but the rest of the car was ok. all the car had was rhd and a motor.people get way to caught up on the whole rhd thing i don’t get it??? i don’t know but maybe i’m just the only one who thinks that… it’s the whole car not just where the driver sits! think about it.

and yes i looked at the interior and i seen the rhd . but everyone i talked to really didn’t care for it. rhd to me was cool in maybe 2000 or so i’m over it. if the car was mint yea for sure you would have got the award. maybe next year!

Looks like fun, I didn’t know this was going on… I would have stopped down.

Nice power numbers from the domestics. :ohnoes

it was alot of fun. alot of nice cars came out and everyone was chill. next yr we will try to do better. sorry if it sucked… we only planned this like 3 weeks ago so it was kinda 50/50 good and bad. big thanks to everyone for coming out and it was awesome seeing all of you and your cars and helping to support Synapse!