Synapse BBq thread...vid's and pics.

Damn my car looked that shity? The car was just painted less then a year ago. No biggy, mostly everyone knows what I started out with. Not to mention me just thrown the car together within the last week. I guess Vlad’s the only one here that gets me :sad, it doesn’t get much more JDM.

I guess I will just have to put an SR20 under the hood :headbang

tomorrow night i will have answers, i just got off the phone w/ howard for the last half hour. Im brining it in tomorrow to dyno and see what his dyno reads. What happened in my mind is that i was at 556rwhp 502rwtq n/a, then i wanted the juice and he only wanted to give me a 50 shot, i was dead set on 100 or more!! and i beleive he took a TON of timing out of my car, he said he guessed about 15-20rwhp but i GUESS more! i dont know why he wouldnt have re-dynoed after taking out timing so i would have know what kinda N/a power i was making but what ever. I said since spring the car was no where near as fast as it used to be on the motor and he always blew me off, the truth is i am a racer and have been since i was racing dirtbikes since i was a kid, i grew up giving my dad feedback on how bikes and sleds were running since i was about 6 and now i think howard believes me!!! it was no secret that i wasnt a real big fan of his tuning this year, when i made 556 w/ cam only i was stoked and very happy, but it came right out of his mouth, i am tuning your car super safe b/c i wanna save you 13000 and not toast the motor. As for the car over heating im about 99% sure it was b/c i left it running b/c the battery was dead and i let it sit there w/ no air rushing threw the radiator for 45 mins, i was planning on leaving but ended up hanging out a little to long. Like i said before tomorrow i will have answers, hopefully its nothing major but if it is you never know what will happen zr1 or maybe a 08 09 viper!!! I have to say i dont see anything major being wrong b/c it did feel strong on the way home, deffinalty not like it was broken. A buddy of mine has an 07 z w/ all the same mods as my car PLUS a procharger and as of saturday it only made 550 w/o nitrous!!! Howard re tuned it and now its 620rwhp, no jucie and he runs a 100 shot also. I was like wtf??? why would you not tune it right the 1st time?? i made 556 all motor and he has the exact same mods plus a procharger and he was down 6rwhp?? WTF! he said his car was only 12 degrees of timing at WOT, that crazy low! whatever enough w/ my rant ill let you guys know whats up tomorrow night.

like we just discussed not too long ago…im interested to see what it makes on the first pull tomarrow…and ask him what amount of timing he was running…find out your Air/fuel ratio as well. N/A it shouldnt be pissing out blue or black smoke thats for sure.

Its good to see you arent stressing about the over heating issue, but its not even my car and that scares the shit out of me. You said its running too good to have something internally wrong, but look at my SS on the old motor…I would have NEVER thought from its running condition it had a freaken hole in the piston…if the dyno numbers dont come out strong tomarrow after a re-tune and shit, Do a compression test. John said we can borrow his compression tester.

If I get out of work tomarrow early, maybe I will zip down there with yah if you dont mind. I can drive seperate or catch a ride. Let me know.

Ummm why would you leave any car idling for 45 minutes? let alone a c6 z06?! :rofl

yah Andrew, you can come, and like i said b4 i kinda forgot about the car, i was planning on letting it run for 5 mins and ended up getting caught up talking etc and before i knoew it iwas like ohhh shit i forgot about my car.

first off, no one is saying your car looked shitty…i think it definitely takes a lot of time and effort to do what you did, its def not easy…secondly, we were voting for best japanese car not most jdm

we didn’t pick you because we felt that other cars there deserved it more, not to mention you were only there a short time, so don’t cry because you didnt get a trophy, it had nothing to do with not having an sr or some bs. Not to mention, what performance value does turning a car rhd have? If anything it lessens the performance aspect since it makes it more of a challenge to drive.

we tried to make the event as fun and laid back as possible, so we apologize for “upsetting” some people over who got trophies and who didn’t, if you want a trophy that bad go to HIN!

Well aside from that, I thought it was a good turn out and I appreciate everyone coming. Morgan was a little whooped I think after the 3rd dyno lol, I know I helped him with 3 or 4 and it def is a pain in the ass to get the cars ready to dyno, but it was fun. We can’t thank Synapse enough for all of their help and allowing us to have the event there. Hopefully we can have 2 or 3 of these next year.

and i apologize for not getting all 200whp of my car on the dyno :lol

is this you with the hot whipness of an rx-7?


nah i have the black 240 hatch

so no body answered me, who had to Sick best japanese car?

Tony go to vette doctors and get your car tuned. They will tune it 100 times better then howard will ever be able to

pete ryan would woop that pumkin head of yours if ya pick on that car he loves it :nod

carteq is way better :nod

we picked the red 240 hatch with the rota wheels for best japanese just because we felt he had the most stuff done to it as far as performance and style

Cartek is biased. They will not do a good job if you are not using their products.

must have missed the supra :ninja should have left the 19s on it.

i hate 240s lately because its the honda civic of RWD cars… but he had Washington plates on it, so it becomes OK in my book.

the supra was gone by the time we voted

i agree, 240s have become the new civic, Ive owned mine for 6 years now and when I bought it you rarely ever saw 240s

i call biased judging. it was a scam. you guys suck! :umm

what other categories did you have? i didnt even realize you were giving out trophies until about 630 when i saw the best euro? sitting in the dyno room

ummmm ok ive seen numerous cars come out of there without there stuff on it and be spot on but ok ::slight_smile: