Im from Syracuse. I don’t have any ties with (Dont know anyone in the group) but I did sign up on the board not to long ago to see what it was about… The fact is that the Syracuse area has a very non existent scene in my eyes. Ten years ago, you could go out every weekend and cruize with 100+ cars, do some passes and hang out and have a good time.For the last 3-4 years, it’s been shrunken down to a lot of the import-bike crowd. I have nothing agianst that crowd at all, but it’s just not for me. I’m a 28 year old guy who is mainly 100% in the the Domestic RWD-power added cars. Thats what all of my close friends are into and thats the way I grew up. I have a group of guys I hang out with at a local speed shop who will go out, fuck around, be loud and kill some tires. For the most part FI 5.0 cars with some older SB and BB cars.

I’m not into big money races or bullshit. I like to go out and waste a bottle hitting the car with 200 for about 20 min with a huge smile on my face and doing it all over agian. There are some really nice cars out here. I would love to come out to Roch and Buffalo to see whats up out there. I know the 4th gen F-body scene is way bigger than out here. We do get the Syracuse Nats which is in my mind is the best time of the year out here. The Cuse isn’t all that bad…