in for response

guarantee he doesn’t post any pics

post v8 pics or you’re soft



Im calling all of syracuse out.

wheres poopra, i need to borrow his car

:rofl: :rofl:


you can use my veyron

Dam why do you V8 guys always leave us little guys out, just becouse we don’t have a big badass V8 like you fortunate guys do. Does’nt mean we don’t want to have some fun too. Or is it if you get beat by something less you could not live it down.

how many ppl from nyspeed are on there shit ass site, im thinkin of signing up just to start shit. hell you have to do something in the winter time.

Everyone shares their cars? :wtf: When you put the kind of money and effort into a car that it takes to make it “fast” you don’t let other people drive it. “Hey man, I’ve got a big business dinner to go to. Mind if I take your wife? She’s hotter than mine.” That doesn’t happen. I wouldn’t drive someone else’s car either, much less race it. If it blew up while I was driving I’d feel awful and owe someone a whole lot of money. The last thing I would want is to owe someone a 10 second car because I wrecked it while borrowing it. Something doesn’t add up. You don’t share heavily modified cars…

I disagree with that statement (i’ve borrowed others cars for rallies and track days and would have no problem loaning out the 944 to them), however, I do agree with it in the context of a bunch of asshat Syracuse Street Racers.

I guess I can see it in a controlled environment like that, although I personally wouldn’t be comfortable doing it, but not for street racing. You wreck someone else’s car and next thing you know you’re building a Supra for a bald dude with a raspy accent.

Ooooo… turbo dodge? :o

and i can bet buffalo is alot better then the SHIThole/ shit stain on the map of new york like syracuse is. and i guess some one never heard of the money races downtown?

no offense but you syracuse guys are taking way too much of this seriously. not to mention we here in buffalo race for fun, because this is a hobby…we arent all thug and shyt where no money=no race.


becuase nick they are doing it F&F style… 35 large son. its that or you can ask these people to kindly back off the line

I’ll take my 4 cylinder car over a v8 any day.


I don’t care if you beat me with some silly rice burning 3 cylinder.

5 liters or more is how buffalo rolls.

Get with it.

In for pictures

lol. look what i rekindled.

gotricegalant, i’ll race you on this joint right hurr:

you might recognize that gesture…

what’s going on in here? are the small block (women, ha!) retards talking shit? i suggest you crawl back to that embarrasment of a city before you get clowned on by my big block.

likes flock of seagulls?^^

edit: shit the one above the one my post is pointing too.


it was a mohawk, but then i worked on a car for a whole day and it deflated.