
I heard on espn that T-gun may be trying out for tampa Bay to replace simms. Looks like I will be rooting for the Bucs a little this year

What about Seton-LaSalle’s own Bruce Gradkowski??


haha…hey you were right about my Dad…on Sunday he was wearing good ole #8 and the whole game he was like well if maddox was…or when maddox played bad…but Ben can…

haha. not surprised. T Gunn is his shit.

thatd be cool if he played in tampa though. i wouldnt mind seein J Galloway catch some tds from #8 all year long

t gunn???

pretty much the hottest pron star

The only touchdown’s Maddox throws are to the other team


He threw a few to steelers b4…


Hey Take it easy on the guy…its not like he started out a season with a qb rating of 38 and had 5 pics and 0 td’s

:rofl: i was waiting for him to get brought in to this

Maybe Ryan Malone can turn the puck over in the neutral zone while Maddox watches from the Igloo club? Or maybe Malone can watch while Maddox fumbles the ball away to force the game to overtime then throws the ball directly to Rashean Mathis that looked alot like Neil throwing to Larry Brown back in '96?


fuck j galloway that piece of shit

he also never started a season after winning a FUCKING SUPERBOWL. and almost dying. taking hardly any snaps in the preseason, and then having an emergency appendectomy a couple days before the start of the season.


True…but still t mutha fuckin gun is da shit

ive heard t mutha fuckin gun is da shit at selling insurance. he should stick to that

haha…XFL MVP biatch…the gun slinger


why? i always thought he was cool

him and all of his black ghetto fuckin friends came to the strip club i used to work at…hes a fuckin asshole…i wish i would have shot him and his friends in the face… worthless pieces of shit.