T.V programing (what do you watch)

what does everyone watch when your chillen… myself,

not in order.

  1. Discrovery
  2. TLC
  3. History
  4. local 2,4 news in the AM,7
  5. Spike
  6. HGTV
  7. CNN

I wish you could select and pay for the programing that i want. i.e. if i watch only ~10 i only want to pay for 10.

Oddly doing what I do, I don’t watch TV ever, at least not in the past 4 months.

If I do it’s only really discovery.

I don’t have a TV. I am waiting for exactly what you said - for IPTV to come out en-mass and for me to be able to go to iTunes or wherever and just subscribe to whatever shows I give a shit about (and maybe get something like a “variety pack” of 5-10 electives each month to try out new stuff). I gave up paying TWC $160+/mo for RR+CATV when a LARGE majority of what was on I considered to be absolute junk. I just have a fast 'net connection now and figure I can get what I need through that…

Gimme downloadable h.264 (or similar) high-res LEGAL content that I can watch full-screen on my computer or put on my iPod and I’ll be all set.

Approx Order:
Movies (HBO,Show,Stz,etc)
The wife’s primetime shows

Flip this house
Flip that house
The intervention

Thats about it

Hockey: Almost all Sabres games live
Football: The Bills before I gave up on this season

On my weekly DVR schedule, all in HD:
CSI (Miami and original, NY sucks)
Jericho (probably my favorite show)
Criminal Minds (2nd favorite)
Las Vegas (losing interest in this one)
24 (when they finally get around to starting the season)
Sopranos (see 24 comment)

Channels I watch a lot of various shows on:
Cartoon Network
Discovery (Mythbusters is a favorite)

Without the DVR I’d probably watch a lot less TV. A 1 hour drama only takes a little over 40 minutes skipping commercials. I head Heroes was real good but I’m going to wait to catch season 1 on DVD now.

Daily Show on comedy central
G4TV for laughs
Speed randomly
History channel
Channel 7 news

CBS for CSI miami and Regular, 2.5 men. The Unit.
NBC for Heroes, ER
Fox for Simpsons, Family guy, War at home (24 when it starts)
MSG for Sabres
FX for The Sheild and Theif if it comes back
USA for The 4400, Psych and The Dead Zone.

Other channels to watch when bored, TNT, TBS, Comedy, Disc(mythbusters) Adult Swim.

Nfl Network
MSG for hockey
SciFi for ghost hunters

Just the sopranos,nothing else.

8. MSG

Pretty much whatever movie is on basic cable. “Cops” and a lot of the crime solving shows on Court TV. Family guy, Simpsons, SouthPark. I really only watch TV while I’m online so I’m usually only half watching whatever is on.

in no order

discovery/the other discovery channels
msg/versus for sabres
cnn/headline news
national geographic
comedy central


I pretty much stopped watching TV when reality TV caught on. TV has become complete crap. I was going to throw my TV away if they actually aired that OJ special.

Pretty much only Discovery… unless Miami ink is on then I’m on TLC. I think thats the channel.

I own a TV, but oddly, it has no connections to cable or an antenna. :lol:

like everyone else
Comedy Central
IMF (int music feed)

When i do watch tv…

History Channel
Comedy Central
whatever channel the price is right is on and who wants to be a millionaire
and… lifetime :wink:

Family Guy
CSI: Vegas Only
King Of Queens
Still Standing
Flip This/That House
It Takes A Thief
Real World / Any of the challenges

and then random movies on the movie channels