T.V Shows I grew up on!

I was thinking of some t.v I use to watch when I was growing up and here are a few, they made me laugh. I know some of you will remember these classics… If you remember some shows you use to watch, post them here.
This is the old school t.v thread LOL:thumleft:


Haha! Those bring back memories! I loved those shows! Nowadays, childrens cartoons or even those live-action childrens shows aren’t even as entertaining, nor educational…

My buddy’s little bro enjoys watching taped versions of those classics!

wow…is all i can say. i remember all but one.

lol anyone remember this show

^your right on point with that one, old school shows are way better. t.v show today are weak.

I remember that one, that show was bomb. lol I know everyone knows this one :slight_smile:http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=fivjTUq4Wzc

Who can forget Mr. Rogers!

How about this one: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ-CQEF5Or4

we only had “cow cable” in the country when I was growing up, (tvo, global, cknx, then finally cbc)

I have to get a dvd of this, I Know my kids would love to watch this shit!