What do you want the Democrats to accomplish?

I have a huge newsflash for Americans!

Healthcare is an industry and it’s only ethical when that would serve its best interests, not when it would serve American’s best interests. Maybe if Americans would choose a healthier lifestyle they wouldn’t have such high healthcare? I’d love to blame the industry exclusively, but there are some other things causing the rise that are not dependent on capitalism:

  1. The entire world is getting fatter
  2. We have to deal with the cost of smoking (even if currently smoking is on the decline, the negative effects of smoking still need to be treated, and I can imagine they take some years to develop into serious healthcare problems.)
  3. People are not spending as much time interacting in person as they used to (social problems, anxiety problems)…“self checkouts”, the internet, etc. all create a sense of being self-sufficient, but probably play a role in the formation of bad habits
  4. Parents are spending less time with their children (developmental problems which the healthcare industry would like to treat as medical illness–and do you think parents are going to take some of the blame for kids that are a bit cooky?
  5. People have always been self medicating.

This is just off the top of my head, but the rise of healthcare is not simply because of a greedy industry (although it is like every other industry, Americans are opening the doors for them to be taken advantage of). Michael Moore is putting out a movie on this and I’m almost certain he won’t blame the dissarray of the healthcare industry on people like him (fat, dirty slobs). Yeah, credible guy on the subject, huh?
