out last night with a few people at the bao meet. Toward the end some people were going to cruise and they were going in the general diection i needed to get home, so i tagged along. I got up along side a certain black ZO6 and did two pulls. i was too busy watching my speedo, tach, and the rapidly approaching truck to notice how far back the vette was, but i was later told i had him by about 2.5-3 cars.

:tup: to a couple good races, and i was wondering if your passenger decided to tape that or not?

do you have a Z06 motor… or just the vette motor?

jeeves u dont need to look at ur tach, ull never hit redline with those gears :lol:

stock LS1 I think :gotme:

:gotme: Skoots for LS1 power :snky:

yeah he got me…id like to race again though from a stop or a roll but not as fast as we did. good race your car moves awesome…get gears and see yeah.

from a stop ya gotta wait till spring because my 10bolt is starting to make some noise so i gotta have it last till i take the car off the road. 12bolt with better gears over the winter :tup:

But ya a slower roll works for me. Then i can start in first :lol:

Did onxy tape at all or no?

LS1 for life

LS1 for life good kill jeeves

he might have taped but he cant post it till new computer gets here.

alright cool. We can probly set something up for this weekend.
Oh i forgot. I am going up to NYI friday with people, so you actually can get me from a stop if you feel like coming up. Figure if i break it i might as well get a time slip with it.

:word: see you all friday :tup:

:word: think i might join… who wants to give me nittos for 10 dolla

iam sure jim will need his friday

Nice Kill jeeves

Yea jeeves, BadazZ and I were sitting in a pretty good spot to see you guys right about the first shift…and a little after your first shift :stuck_out_tongue:

Should be a good time this weekend at NYI! :tup: So you should trap in 2nd gear right?

either the very top of 2nd or just shifting into 3rd



Mods > Stock

cool :tup: