out last night with a few people at the bao meet. Toward the end some people were going to cruise and they were going in the general diection i needed to get home, so i tagged along. I got up along side a certain black ZO6 and did two pulls. i was too busy watching my speedo, tach, and the rapidly approaching truck to notice how far back the vette was, but i was later told i had him by about 2.5-3 cars.
:tup: to a couple good races, and i was wondering if your passenger decided to tape that or not?
from a stop ya gotta wait till spring because my 10bolt is starting to make some noise so i gotta have it last till i take the car off the road. 12bolt with better gears over the winter :tup:
But ya a slower roll works for me. Then i can start in first :lol:
alright cool. We can probly set something up for this weekend.
Oh i forgot. I am going up to NYI friday with people, so you actually can get me from a stop if you feel like coming up. Figure if i break it i might as well get a time slip with it.