Tactical 12ga shotgun with folding stock

I took down my for sale post because its no longer for sale. Also, get the facts before you jump to conclusions.

So is it for sale haha

I’d make your wife give you w/e the sale price was… :slight_smile:

Bullshit. You said youd be sleeping until 11, and I started texting you at 11am and texted every hour or two. Doesn’t matter now, I’d never buy a thing from you.

Need proof of texts to see who is lying ITT.

You sent me 2 text messages before I responded to you with it no longer being for sale. I apologized once and that’s all your getting out of me. I bought it for my wife and didn’t think it would be a big deal if I sold it to get into something else. She wasn’t a big fan of it and a happy wife is a happy life. Get over it.


Yea. I already deleted them all over disgust with the whole situation so I can’t prove anything. It doesn’t really matter anymore, I know I’m not lying and I know never to deal with this guy again. It’s done.

Ohh and I also recall you saying you were around all day with no plans so I highly doubt you waited around for me all day!

And I also remember telling you I worked until at least 3am and I would be passed out until at least 11am… No time was committed to at all whatsoever, and you told me you would be around ll day. What was your response to me?

“I’ll text you at 7am then”

fuck that, i dont need any texts to see whos lying, james(indy440) is a fucking legit as fuck dude, if he says hes gonna do something he does it… This big mofo fucker is all lies just like his f1 tune bullshit that LOST power on my 540 and costed me $500 after all this fake sales pitch shit…

I think the fuck wanted the first person with the cash and sold it to someone else and just gave us the “wife wouldnt let me sell it” pitch so he didnt look like a dickhead for not holding it for james… Afterall, did you NOT just pm me and ask to buy one of my mossberg 500’s 1bigmofo!?

First of all I’m not some punk kid, don’t talk to me like I am. You can keep your “legit as fuck dude” friend and gtfo. Every single thing I said here is truth. Your friend is butthurt and you have nothing to do with it. I was thinking of selling this rifle and buyin a mossberg 500, what’s wrong with that??

Ohh and for the record I kept it AND I bought a mossberg 500 from Taylor and Vadneys.


Ohh and for the record I never said I would hold anything. I said first come first serve several times through this thread.

Look how you talk and present yourself, where is your credibility?

do me a favor? I NEED to be proven wrong, I NEED to to make myself feel better… Take a peice of paper and write shift518 on it and take a picture of the same EXACT shotgun next to it… this wont prove that you and james didnt go back and fourth or anything this will almost prove (though u cuda sold it to a friend and do this) that your story was in fact true.

BBIINNGGOOO!!! And thaatttsss how you know your a faggot peice of shit liar! You sold it, you lying peice of shit and told us your wife wouldnt let you sell it.

ssoommmeeoonneee bann this fuck, ill give $500

And i talk and present myself how EEVVERRR the fuck I want, because im a BOSS, not some $10 an hour faggot giving out false info for a living (n/o to dudes that bust there ass for $10 an hour lol)

I ordered a mossberg 500 persuader from Taylor and vadneys on 1.4.13. It will be here next week. Want to see a picture of the receipt? I’m not a liar so don’t treat me like one. I Pm’d you and one other guy that had 500’s for sale neither of you responded so I went and ordered a brand new one. It’s not about the $, never has, never was. My wife wanted to keep the Tri star so I let her keep it and I bought the 500 I wanted in addition to that…

Look kid, you need to watch how you talk to people. I never disrespected you, that’s uncalled for. YOU said I probly didn’t want to hold it for him so I responded I NEVER SAID I WOULD HOLD IT FOR ANYONE!!

why wud i want a pic of the reciept for the mossberg? i want a pic of the tri star with shift518 or better yet, this thread in the background visable.

you are a boss? LMFAO… keep dreaming kid…

can i ask why u keep avoiding me asking you to take a picture of the shotgun??