Take a picture showing how F'in bored you are at work

Such a slow Friday, I would hope that there is some good material to be seen.

I decided I needed a coaster for my desk when I drink beer at work, so I took the back of a notepad and made this…


Keep in mind…BORED.


I’m more interested in the drinking beer at work part… did we somehow become Germany? That’s awesome. My grandpa used to drink with customers all the time… maybe that’s how he sold so many cars…

any car salesman who drank a beer with me while I shopped for a car, would have my business for life! :tup:

did this at work…but not today… i was bored and made it out of paper clips



…Maybe one more cup and I’ll get motivated…

Holy balls Fry…enough caffine?

it’s a Camaro and a Stoplight… my 6 year old cousin made it

I do a solid 6-12 cups a day every day, usually somewhere in the middle. The energy drink requires me having been in rare form the night before.

6-12 cups a day?!?!? holy shit dude. I normally don’t drink more than 1.

^ sleepygu.jpg

lol zong

no access to a camera at work. Today I did the following:

played tetris
played solataire sp?
talked to the wife
threw paperclips
stared at the same spread sheet for 2 hrs.

I need a camera phone

Ha Ha!!! As soon as I posted that we sold a car!!!:lol:

pictures cant describe how bored i am here!

^wtf, do you work in the dark or something?

:lol: ruh roh you started it

i’m srsly about to fall asleep