

Account Suspended

This account has been suspended for non-payment. If you are the owner of this account please log into the control panel and open an ‘Accounting’ support ticket. Please also contact us if you wish to close this account.

Best regards,
Your Servage.net team

At least they have a site. Where’s yours Mark? Ohhhhhhh Disssssssssss!

i wondered y it wasnt workin

i just get 404 not found

You need to reboot your internet.

Hey Gonad, will you reboot MY internet :wink: ?

They just got Servaged

i dotn ahve a pay pal acccunt
to keep it up so rick doesit for me i paid him but he hasnt paid?
and i cant get a hold of him

Fail at attempt sexual inuendo.

I will give your ass a boot though. :o


all i can say is wow.

whats driftunit?

It’s like G-Unit except instead of Gorilla Unit, it’s Drift Unit.

More like Douche Unit. Amirite?

Speaking of Gorillas, and G-Unit, I have Gorilla slippers, I should totally wear them while driving the G. Maybe tonight to the SON meet… maybe…

Hmmm. Thats not the first time ive herd that rick “forgot” to pay someone.

why not just get paypal? it takes 3 minutes to setup

i guarantee you have either a bank account or a credit card so you have no excuses :slight_smile:

I did paypal it to him,
he forgot to pay
it was just a misunderstanding or something

Ohohohohohoooooooooooooo shit!

wow this goes around fast.

First off id like to make it clear. The payment had not gone threw. the hosting company takes it out of my account every 3 months. so they made a mistake. by adding the funds to my other servage account. second after doing you a favour by making your website free and helping you out for over a week on the site, also mikey you come on and start talking bad about me? right. what you should have done is contact me and ask me whats up. not start posting like a nut. both of you have my MSN and phone number.

The sites i make are not official as the ones you posted. i do it to fuck around. its nothing legit so legally i can do whatever. no harms done. I dont even use them. plus its always hard to figure out a nice layout. and to make something then change it always works. saves time.

third to D_fresh yes i might owe money to some people but i also have 2 kids a house to pay for car etc. and ive talked to them and things are clear and i dont think its anyones buisness specially no one on here… and DriftUnit my friend in California owns it (mark arcenal) and it dosent really matter what people think. they are good friends of mine. and been doing what they do for years.

if you have something to say call me or msn . making a big fuss over something out of my control is just stuid and childish and specially calling me a theif…
and saying i think im cool cause i own a skyline. honestly this cars a heap of shit and i rather have my 240 back.

PS: Mikey did not try to call me cause i have my phone next to me 24/7 as i might get a emergency call from work. to get to a fire flood etc.
mikey is pure talk you should know him by now. . thres your explanation if anyone has a problem with me come let me know.

Ahhh… now I see why you’re selling your skyline.