Talk about flex!

this is crazy.

lol. Jeep on DROS!

lol… i’d roll after 4 feet

so is there a reason that would be good for offroad?

i don’t mean the flex, but having no springs? all hydraulics?

clearance/articulation/jockin’ hoes…the usual

thats wild. Aussies are great

hes a sly bugger haha good shit

In theory in a tight situation I’d imagine you’d have the advantage of being able to keep the vehicle level, and preventing weight shifting at low speeds. Preventing a roll-over, either that or I’m totally wrong in my theory and it’s for show only.

See also:

The video of the Hummer doing a similar ramp, and rolling over as the weight shifts to the side.

“They dont call him, “Ball sack”, for nothing”


aaaaand you guys don’t know shit.

yeah, cause when anything is multiplied by 1 (except 0) the result is the same as the original number. So you didn’t add to his post.


Watch some decent canyon carving or rock climbing… you will see.

def not for show.

:lol: Yea Im gonna build this rig for RTI ramps only!! RTI ramps are soo much fun by the way :gay: