talk nerdy to me v. my patent

Looks like after two years, and countless meetings with laywers etc, its finally getting somewhere.

Ill try to answer some likely questions up front:

Its not really a thing, its a method of doing something with the products that I design and sustain at work.

Its very hard to explain what I even do much less this but here we go:

The product is an automatic impedance matching network which is used in the plasma processing and solar industries (think… Intel, IBM, Motorola, NEC etc… ) Basically without my product we all wouldnt have super fast computers. The network basically transforms the impedance of the plasma, which has a complex impedance somehting like 1-j12 etc, to a 50ohm resistive load so that the generator (typically 13Mhz, 100-5kW) can deliver the most power.

This idea essentially limits the range the unit needs to move (the tuning range) by limiting the range based on a “guess” of what the final tune point will be.

So far this has cost me nothing. Work pays for everything. Acutally I even got a $750 award for submitting it and having it approved.

Right now the patent is simply published, which means its far from over. Sounds like maybee in another year it will be finally DONE. Then I think I get a check for $1k .


cool! so your patent is under the business you work for? My dad has a patent for Hierarchical folders display with Xerox, and pretty much no operating system is possible without it :slight_smile: he got a raise, but xerox has made a ton off of it.

Man, I do not miss impedance calculations.

Congrats on the patent.
Guys here that get them, get a plaque with a copy of the front page on it, cash, and “recognition”.
I cant walk down halls here w/o seeing patent plaques everywhere…
My group leader has 350+ i believe. It’s insane…

Are there a bunch of other names on yours because they sat in on the design process?

Ya, work owns it. Usually thats the case.

There is just one other name on mine. Basically I came up with the idea and our one software guy here came up with the specifics to make it work with our current software (Im a hardware guy).


No flux capacitor, no care.

j/k congrats :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice. I have no desire to share my patents, between doubting anyone would understand what they are for, I don’t care for the NYSpeed detectives to have my address :mamoru:

It is fun to have them though, congratulations.

Congratulations, that’s a nice feather in the cap. :slight_smile: Now you have even more leverage for a raise, or at least an extra week of vacation this year!

A guy I used to work with had 11 or more of his own. His wall was papered in brass plaques. Impressive.

impedance matching… isnt that what high Z is for… ?

offtopic: are you related to a Jeff? works at NGC?