Talk shit thread

Capt can’t enforce shit in here lol , say what ya need to without fear of him doing shit

N gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Honestly don’t fucking care man. Kid is a joke. Says he was part of the scene but nobody knows him. Says he knows shift but doesn’t even undrerstand the basic dynamic of this place. Is what it is and he’s a joke…

I told him numerous times to slow his roll or he was gonna get tore up . He won’t get it lol

Honestly i thought everyone knew him and he was just acting like a boner now. Quickly realizing he’s just a boner.

Well I warned him lol , as long as u tear him up appropriately or in the right section I won’t harm ya lol

He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t take a hint. He’s not even worth any effort.

who is he lol

Remember “Jesus” from the lot… creepy kid drove the Volvo… Long hair long beard… Pretty sure that was him

lol omg!

that would be a sick bumper sticker “Jesus drives a Volvo”


Def wasent me :slight_smile:

Hey boner.