Talk to me about Ford Exploders.

I had an Explorer. Rear end wasnt really loving life anymore, tranny could never decide which gear it wanted to be in, slipped a lot. BUT, I will say it was extremely comfortable inside and rode very nice.

It would b a great idea to cross shop these vehicles

2006 & 2007 has the absolute WORST design for a door pull EVER. Try shutting the drivers door and you’ll instantly notice it. They changed it in '08 I think.

Someone’s picture and explanation:

And if you do buy one, here is how to make your own door pull:

That and the chunky Ford steering wheels that were around then (and have been changed as well) totally make me hate them.

The newest ones are VERY nice though. :tup:

ford flex ecoboost is pretty cool.

It’s funny that it took them 2 years to finally change that design. I worked on the development of the 2006 Explorer. We all hated the door handle design on it and bitched while they were still in prototype phases, yet the interior group still did nothing about it. A bunch of our prototype test trucks we actually cut holes in the arm rest just like in that link.

It’s completely unnatural and why anyone thought it was a good idea is beyond me.

Failing upward is the American way for Gen Y.

I drove in to work behind this truck today… It goes over the tracks a fair bit better than my car :smiley:

new quick struts on 4 corners are great

A rolling hula hoop goes over train tracks better than your car.

Another thought I had was a Sequoia with 100-120k miles for $8k, put on 60k, sell for $6k. Deal with minor repairs, hope for nothing major.

A guy I used to work with bought a Sequoia. He loves not having to fix it every 6 months like his mini van. (GM head gasket issues)

He however can justify needing a 3rd row of seating with 5 kids.

Why do you need a 3rd row?
Wife pregnant with twins?
Your second wife expecting?
Are you a polygamist?
In-laws moving in with you and using you as their driver?
You moving in with them and being used as their driver?
Are you getting more dogs that feel the need to travel with your current or soon to be weird family of passengers?
Are you moonlighting as a daycare transportation service?
Did your wife wreck her car?
Can you really leave any of these questions unanswered?
If you do, would it torment you throughout the day?
Do you plan on moving into aforementioned vehicle at some point in the future?
Are you secretly plotting to fill the car with all of your in-laws and drive it into the river?
If so, is it just a projected cost savings as to avoid using multiple vehicles?
Do you have any other ideas for in-law disposal?
Am I on the wrong track?
Will you be running an in-law disposal service?
At what point did you stop reading the questions?

My sister’s car has 3rd row seating. They thought it would be great for when family visits. So last time I was visiting her, we all decided to take a short road trip. 6 adults and 1 baby. 3 adults had to sit in the 3rd row because the baby needed to be close to my sister in the front. I wanted to kill myself for the entire ride. The 3rd row is HORRIBLY uncomfortable. For a short trip around town it would be bearable, but nothing more.

LOL. I read the first one or so then skipped to the last question. TLDR!