Talks like these get you banned.

This is why I told you to enforce rules from day one. I told you so.


Youre going to get penalized for that.


i love the politics , im trying to say the same thing over and over and all you guys answer to is “well they broke the rules”

no mother fucking shit they broke the rules

Im not talking about breaking the rules im talking about punishing only some for breaking rules, with a ban. AND THEN leaving the rest alone …

warning my ass, its bullshit, now u got threads being made in protest to the bans

its comon sense, this shit makes me want to smash heads in the wall

DONT BAN PEOPLE, this coulda been fixed 50 other ways

What’s with the GAY HABIB NI99AS in dis thread guys!




DEATHBYRT is new and he’s still around same with sbary, looksexy, loveboost

**** em if they cant take a joke

Either don’t criticize or start helping moderate.

Nobody likes the “I told you so” guy who doesn’t do anything when push comes to shove.

Doesn’t Singh still help you manGe/run the site? Or fixed it when it was down? And now being mean to him? :frowning:

Werent you the first to jump ship to Rspeed when things were going bad here and taking smack

And now you care?


What I do is not your business? And I do care for my FRIEND Singh…because after ALL the work he did for you your gonna jump down his throat?

Ha. Whatever man.

I just don’t give 2 cents worth to a word of a hippocrate that is all.

Good day.

I’m the hippocrite? Wowwwwww

+1 for banning pete

shit is getttin realllllll… if only this were real life and not the interconnectwebz