Talks like these get you banned.

Should of just banned the new guy :lol

I say we blame bennyfizzle for not being the mentor moderator we all need.

I say its Shift518 who the fuck cares what some random shcmuck parusing the internet thinks of this website people should be able to do and say as they please


:rofl :rofl :rofl I LOL’d at my desk. +rep

It’s Vlad’s forum, he can run it as he pleases. If you feel so differently, I’m sure you can go start your own forum.

It’s not a goddamn democracy!

Also agree.

Don’t like the rules, go hit up another forum. A lot of shit goes unnoticed and turns away new people to the site.

New people = bigger scene. Everyone complains about how the scene sucks, etc. blabla

The things said to cause the ban should not have been said in the first place. No need to attack a stranger because of their views. Thats considered a hate crime and I dont blame Vlad for doing what he did

I’m glad Chris is banned. Kid cant go one day without posting his sweet purchase of alcohol or drugs.


Agreed, that kids retarded. And then he negs rep you when you tell him how dumb he is. LOL. At least now hes got some time to stock up on cocaine and ridellin. :rofl:rofl:rofl



I don’t think they meant any of it in a derogatory way… they might’ve just been flirting. Who knows!

You are all technically random shmucks.

If you sign up on a forum and people start telling you to essentially go fuck yourself an you’re not wanted would you stick around?

How many new people you know recently that joined and are still active?

It seems that nowadays we are lucky to get a lurker and people don’t want to post or be associated with us.

We are also considered assholes as is evident by browsing the other forums.

That’s not the name that helps the community.

I guess its a different out look i have cause i am a member of a few forums that require applications to keep a good amount of people out.

I understand its your forum your rules thing and calling a homo politically incorrect things is bad but idk I wouldnt give a shit. Personally i think if you cant take it then you wont make it here. I personally dont go off insulting people every second, I just kinda think it should be up to the users to decide whether or not they want to act like a scumbag or be a human

Scaring new users away is a bad thing but most of the trolls who get scared away are exactly that Trolls

Shift is not a car forum. Its a place you go to get manswers to all life questions.

We scare almost everyone away, not just trolls. The guy came in looking for help and while I allowed for him to be picked on for being unemployed there was no reason for the gay jokes and they were out of place.

We are damn lenient on a lot of stuff but we have had a solid personal attack and discrimination policy forever.

Rules seem rather fair.