well, differential backups is all in the software… i’ve always had good results with CA Arcserve.
as far as 10TB in tapes… yeouch, you are going to need an autoloader, I think the largest single tape is 1.4tb (Quantum DLT-S4) on max compression. I could totally be wrong since we have not updated our tape backup in quite a while? Anyways, quantum makes some nice drives, that’s what we use.
edit: Umm, this is not personal storage right? If so I would highly recommend not using tapes as it is hella costly. If it’s for business I would still strongly consider disk to disk backup for that much data.
if this is for sarbanes compliance or something for offsite then yea, tape is probably the easiest option. All though a DFS share to an offsite facility would work if it is just to prove business continuity plans exist.
I guess just need to know what the main reason behind it is… tape storage is really not that great for large data stores. Do you need tapes for archiving, or is it purely for business continuity/disaster recovery?
We have offsite AND tape backups… we use a Dell Autoloader with some ancient ass Veritas Backup exec software - kinda dumb software, but it does what it needs to do.
I had to use Veritas once. I couldn’t stand it. I use ArcServe religiously.
Offsite for 10TB (or 20TB if you double capacity) of data would KILL your Internet connection unless you’re using an OC-3 or bigger. But as was said previously, disk to disk sounds like the best option for that much data.