
I did a search and found nothing. But for those of you bored at work (like me)- This is entertaining.

This web blog is written by a real-life special education teacher. Check out her stories.

The “Tards and Stickers” is my personal favorite.


You. Fooking. Rock.

Somehow I"m doubting anyone with the website “tard-blog” is in any way involved with people with special needs. Given that it was blocked by websense as “tasteless” only adds to that assumption.

One of the tucker max crew :tup:

it’s funny anyways.

#1 is great. just gotta take the time to read it.

OMG I want you to have my children for posting this. Jesus, I have tears running down my face cause I’m laughing so hard…

:lol: 6: The post field-trip

Today, we sit in a circle and everyone tells what they liked most about the said field trip. Now, this is my barely functioning group, kids with IQ’s of 18 month old babies. Most of the kids only use one word for their answer (rocks, mud, stick, etc.) usually they will just say another students name and that’s it. Today’s answers were a bit different.

Me: “Emmy, what was the part of the outing you liked the best?”
Emmy: “Boots, mine” (She sticks her leg in the air to showcase her big ass yellow moon boots with fur on top).
Me: “I need everyone’s eyes up here looking at me. Thank you. Now, Emmy really liked being able to wear her boots on our field trip. Jamel, what was the part of the outing that you liked best?”
Jamel: “Eat birds.”

Only two of the other kids understand this. One starts to cry and the other gets up, runs to the sink, turns on the water, and sticks his head under the faucet.

And it’s only 12:30 p.m.

Eat Birds.

HAHAHHA I just cut that one too, omg THANK YOU for making such a quality post!

My day is now much more meaningful! HAHAHHA this is awesome!

ur a whore i hate u die. but good post

I was just reading post #54. How could you kill that turtle? Good going. Tard.

so everyone knows, we have a love/hate relationship.

hmm lol

we have a love hate relationship. i hate her but she is ver knowlegable on burning and itching sensations

Oh god, is this what I am goign to be dealing with this summer 6 hours a day 5 days a week?

My mom offered me a job as a aid in a Special Education program (Boces, Aleranative learning center call it what you want) that pays well $10/hour, the catch is they are low functioning kids elementary school aged…

Still looking for a job that I can get that pays better if not I might make my own Tard-Blog, i’m too scared to read this guys lol


The worst part of this is I’d usually hear similar stories exactly like this when my GF would get home. Sad, but at the same time funny as hell.

^^ i hear ya on that

Lewis approaches me and says, “Are you affected by Global Warming?”

Me “Sure, are you?”
Him “Well, in what way?”
Me “Is your skin more susceptible to sunburn due to the increase in UV ray penetration and a boost in the albedo effect?”
Him “I would assume so,” he says, “I will have to do some research on the internet, and then I will let you know.”

This is a classic example of a highly functioning autistic kid. Later on that same day he asks me “What is the difference between raw sewage and cooked sewage?”


LOL 42 FTW :lol: I once snorted pixie sticks when i was little too. :biglaugh: