tats the .1%



the first one is crazy. the second one you just have to be crazy to have haha

Cool concept, but I bet this one looks like ass from other angles. It looks like a wax figure as is.

If I were special forces in the military I would definitely get a tattoo, like this guy did:

The glow ink is awesome. I worked with a girl who had her upper back done with wings and you couldn’t even tell in daylight, but under blacklight it was sweet.

that first one is bad ass…the 2nd one def has some time/skill in it…just not my cup of tea

that glow in the dark shit is supposedly bad for your body, Magicalmarge has some done with it and from time to time they get super itchy/red.


Yeah, the UV ink is not a good idea. I don’t think it is safe. I have wings on my back that are outlined with it and they sometimes get itchy, red and the ink raises. Too bad no one warned me 3 years ago.

they make any glown dark inks instead??

Get some tritium ink injected into the skin! Like night sights on guns, it’s bright for a few years, but keeps fading with time.

Tritium is radioactive Hydrogen. I don’t recommend that level of exposure.

he does, hence my post towards him in the past :rofl: