Tattoo ideas???

Does anyone have a good tattoo website? I know what I want I’m just not an artist and can’t draw it up. I’m looking for a good website with tonnes of body art ideas. Thanks for your help.

Talk to DJPyro, He has some sick tats on him, he’d probably be able to recommend someone to you

the best thing to do is look for art work of what you want rather then another persons tattoo

…but even tho u arent a good artist…maybe u have a friend who is…draw a basic sketch and get them to do a better one…or even take a basic idea to a tattoo artist and get them to try and draw up what ur going for…cuz…well…they are artists

check MIAMI INK…

Check out sinful inflictions

There located in whitby and they do sick work.

get a giant penis coming down ur leg and chase ladies with it… works for alex all the time… but then they realize its just ink…

+1, and take your time finding a skilled tattoo artist.

Go to

that site is good for piercing descriptions and such lol

There is a sick tatoo place at Jane and Highway 7.

plenty of tattoos there to check out dont forgot the www

i got mine at planet ink on younge street theya re awsome!! and a great price… they rock … they know how to shadow them in good… i got a cover up done and cant tell

id say honestly go to planet ink. they are awsome at custom work and do a great job on shadowing … im going to get mine done soon

im getting on the back of my arms in gaelic. Father and Guardian. on the back of both arms. they do a sick job and awsome price.

for sure man… ill post pics… gettiing them done once i get the spelling in gaelic right and i know 100% its correct. should be in a few weeks.

I go to a place on Queen downtown, can’t remember the name right now. I’m hoping to get my next one sometime soon, I’m just finishing up my design as well… group discount?