
Agreed! And most respectable shops around here are right in that ballpark… I try not to even think about how much I’ve spent

My brother has gotten a bunch of tattoos done dirt cheap and they look awesome but the guy does them in a motel room so theres not alot of overhead like in a shop. The guy is legit and everything is sterile. I watched him get his first one done by him a few months ago.




This guy travels between Florida and NY alot so he doesnt have a permanent place.

has he been checked for aids?

Fur reelz

its all clean and legit

Def sounds legit.

I thought it was a little odd at first but 5 tattoos later its all good


Where is motel?

I’m dying laughing right now… guy probably finds the needles he uses on the motel floor

It’s legit man, but he only does skulls and cobras.

No way this is a serious post. But by the .00001% it is… speechless


totally legit spot for a tat.

So where is this body pic of smoosh ?

I was just thinking of the kermit the frog thing when pjb said that. Oh my god.

You.are.retarded. Have fun with fucking hepatitis.

Stuff like that is why every moron thinks he can buy a set of machines on ebay and start tattooing when 90% of the world doesnt know what good work is and what a good artist consists of which isnt just how good the actuall work is although, its a big part of it. These stupid fucking tattoo schools and shows are all such a joke and an embarassment to the tattoo community and are making it look like a joke.

Sounds totally legit… Pays for the motel and a cocaine habit. Does he know that there is such a thing as a guest spot at a legitimate shop if hes actually good