
mike i can’t observe it and not comment. that’s some really dumb shit.
I hope that was for a charity and just a temporary.

I was just going to say… im not a really big tattoo fan… no offense to anyone on here, but all of the tattoos posted in this thread are hideous. Why would you want that on your body forever, especially the designs you guys picked. It looks like vinyl tribal designs stuck on the side of a riced out orange Honda Civic.

well im afraid to show my 2 now. wow wat responses. oh well, here they are

Why do you have a toyota supra with rediculous horsepower when gas prices are so high. Answer - because you want to.

Tattoo’s are like cars. I have my own reasons on why I get them, what they mean to me, and I didn’t get mine to get approval from anyone especially on here or to try conform to someone else’s standards. All mine are covered except for the one on my right forearm for other personal reasons. Will I show them to anyone? Yes, but that doesn’t mean I walk around always displaying them trying to gain acceptance from people I could care less about.

Any other questions?

No… because I can. Race gas is not that high either… it only went up $1 a gallon over the past 2-3 years.

I never said you needed my approval or Pittspeeds approval for that matter. Its an open forum… im just saying I would never get a bad version of a transformer on my back…

Yeah you really are a retard, open forum or not, its a bad picture due to the camera phone used to take it. As for a transformer, you are a complete tool. If you can’t really tell what it is I’m not explaing it to you. I have a hard time beliveing you can really be that stupid.

5 and a half hours eh?

WTF is it?

It looks like IronMan, a power ranger and a mouseketeer all put together, holding a sword with some huge wings attached.

I know what it is… but im telling you what it looks like… you really need to find a different artist.

Again based on the different styles given to him and what was drawn up, that is what I wanted. I didn’t want a traditional biblical drawing of it. I have had pleanty of compliments on it, and could really care less of the opinion from someone who starts off with “I was just going to say… im not a really big tattoo fan”. Your opinion is already bias, so it’s pointless to go any further.


It is pointless to go any further your right… but just to set one thing straight. That is what I said, but… I said that meaning… tattooing myself, not tattoos in general. A lot of my friends have some really sick tattoos… just not something I would do to myself.


Don’t you have some color to go bitch about in some other thread and turn it into a racially charged thread with a hidden agenda from the polific white community of Pittspeed?

Don’t you have a dick to grow so that you can hold on to the next woman that unfortunately gets attracted to you?

Aww nice comeback. Did I strike a nerve with that statement that you are now worried about my dick size? Are you the local dick inspector or do you just suck them for personal pleasure?

i couldn’t care less how big your wang is…but i’m sure some particular female pittspeed member did care. This whole “gang up on xlogic” thing is ritual for pittspeed…i don’t want to fit in…or be in the douchebag click/bandwagon…so keep all the shit comin…its never too much

you whine alot


So you talked to my exwife who left and ended up getting beat up by her boyfriend for stealing drug money off him which she felt entitled to since she was helping him sell it… :rofl: Oh and she called me during the incident telling me to call the cops if I don’t hear from her in 3 hours. :lol: holy shit you have no idea what went on, or what kind of moron she is.

Real creditable source you got there. Now I know you are a lowlife by the company you keep and you deffinatly fit the sterotype.

PS that was back in 2006 moron, way to live in the past like she does. I think Sharpton is calling you better go answer the phone.

No…if i was whining i would be going “why won’t you people accept me…i’m just trying to be cool like the rest of you bandwagoners”, I on the other hand…could care less…and it amuses me how bent out of shape majority of this board seems to get when i make a post…amazing how things so simple can get to people who think so highly of themselves.

Edit…not everybody on pittspeed likes you…so current members will share information about you. I didn’t have to dig up any info…it came walking to me. Keep on with the smart remarks about black folk…all i can say is say the shit to me in person…or anybody else who can’t stand racist fucks like you…oh…my address is posted on this website in a thread somewhere…find it…and find me