Taxes, the election and you

Stronger in what sense?

Economically we were pretty strong. The economy was booming. Unemployment was at it’s lowest ever.

Militarily? We were handicapped in many ways. The biggest problem was an antiquated training doctrine. When I went to basic in 1988 the current training doctrine was to fight the Soviets in trench type warfare. When I went back on Active Duty in 1993, the exact same training doctrine was still in effect EVEN THOUGH the Wall was torn down 5 years prior. The enemy was not so clearly defined in the early 90s, and there was no new training doctrine in place for many years. I support the military whole heartedly, but this goofy shit in Iraq is senseless and asinine. At one time Saddaam had weapons of mass destruction, but if he had any during the time of our invasion, we would have found them.

Clinton knew how to respond to today’s modern threats.

Bomb the fuck out of them until they give up. Most importantly, very FEW American lives lost. Secondly, very few American dollars were spent. A 3 day bombing campaign and troop mobilization posturing costs WAY less than 10 Billion dollars a month we are spending know. There is a time and a place to put troops on the ground. Iraq was never that place.

The logic that because someone has something, they should share it is bullshit and third grade. If I hit the power ball for $20 million, I COULD give money to just about everyone I know. SHOULD I give everyone some money? I don’t think so. Just because someone CAN doesn’t mean they SHOULD.