Team Pacman GT42 K series

whats the plenum volume of the intake manifold?? looks like its atleast 4.5L

awesome build man, welcome to shift!

meaning what? you have an 87mm exh wheel?

good choice in truck!!! car is sick too!!!

i was waiting for you to say that lol

Haha deff ballin setup and the truck and trailer are badass! welcome man!

ill have a sweet trailer and hopefully rims for the truck in the spring!!! but welcome and cant wait to see the car run!

Some specs that i can’t give out… It’s a in house promise…:ponder

Can’t give out the specs on that… All i can say is that it has big runners…

Thank you… here is another shot…

Just curious as to how come you can’t share any specs? We’re all the way out in upstate NY man! :lol

maybe if it works well he will be manufacturing something!

ahhh, that actually makes sense.

yeah i was wondering the same thing bout sharing the specs…

thank you…:thumbup

Are you the guy from the pacman s2000 video?

No, that is my brother about 6 years ago…

great to have you on here. keep us posted with any updates you/your shop makes!!

can’t be a big deal, its not even the new GTX wheels. Not saying you need to tell me , but the billet stuff is the way to go. is it a step wheel like a 72mm/112mm back>?

Woa! Pacman on shift, its like a real forum now :thumb