teaser *PICS*

just wait til you see my new 240

i cant see pictures man wtf

why is it rusty and full of fat chicks??

He bought your old car?

damn thats a clean car man. 300 bucks is a huge steal. good find.

i duno maybe he did buy your old car…

nobody knows anything about the bagg ehh lol

You gonna keep the popups or do a Silvia front end?

niiice find

black coupes rule

i still win :wink:



^^ def. alot cleaner, and leather. you loose shawn

just noticed the spray paint over lavender frost, no care anymore.

what spray paint and what now? lol

mike, looks awsome man, how much did you grab that for?

ill clean mine and hopfully i can get it to shine like that :wink:

sorry the dullness of the paint in the last couple pics threw me off.

Why did it get repainted with only 38,000 kms? A blown headgasket already too?


it wasent repainted, it was sitting for a couple years and is coverd in shit, you can see it in the pic of the back

so whats the secret to finding these deals ?

theres no secret, just right place right time. These cars exist, just gotta keep your eyes open.

Can anyone else confirm that the door jambs and the inside of the trunk look like purple paint? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

How’d you find this car btw? Online listing (if so, where), or you saw it in the area or had a connection?

lol shawn ur back to the S13 again eh

Shawn, trade me the cluster.

I need it, I don’t care for the HUD display…
I just need the cluster.

I’ll give you my dual cam one.

Thats a sick find for 300, hope Im that lucky come april.lol