teaser *PICS*

now you have to get a new username and not fastback 240

Haha yo Shawn nice find! :slight_smile:

SR’ing it?

mike wins

spd-dmn wins…but probably has more km

I think I see it too.

maybe this guy was smart enough to disconnect the ODO to extend his warrenty

yeah that car for sure use to be purple - shawn you bought a purple car you homo.

did S13’s ever come with single exhuast tip mufflers?

with 38K and exhuast should be orig…

your car, does it smell fishy?

I’d say spd-dmn wins too and actually because it has MORE km and it is much cleaner. Mike’s coupe might have 5 times more km than fastback240s but it is cleaner.

But for $300…still a good buy, can’t go wrong.

lol, you’ll only begin to realize how good the investment was once you get this thing up & running on the roads.

Lol, Damn man that was a good find. I live close to woodstock, wish I caught that before you did :slight_smile: haha, Its got lower km then mine and you paid about a 4th of the price, Nice work.

Congrats brotha, can’t wait to see it

For $300 bucks?

Good Find Buddy.

VQ it!

no vqs, no kas DEFFINATLY NO SR!!

if you saw this thing in person you would not doubt that its got that low km, you guys will see it this season if its out of the wood works by then…

mikes may be clean in that pic but rember, that car has been sitting for a couple years now and i just took the pics without cleaning it or anything, i havent even started it yet, so wait till i clean it and we will see who beats who lol

but mikes car is super clean, (but the dent on the rear 1/4 is horrible) how much did you pick it up for mike?



shawn i f’n hate you did i ever tell you that? also who the hell cares if ppl think its fishy the car is mint so go die now! xD

i had a single cam before and it did have the same type of exhaust so it may not be to fishy, run the vin see what comes up .

i got a used car package and everything when i bought the car…

tk, dont be a hater

haha all this talking about fag and purple cars reminds me of a certain kid named randy who owned a silvia(coupe with silvia font end) lmao