Technotic Media Open House This Sunday, July 1st

Technotic Media Open House

We finally are nearing completion of our office, so we are going to have an open house on July 1st, and everyone is invited. Refreshments will be served and we will have a bunch of TM stuff to give away along with much more.

July 1st, 2007
3PM - 8PM+
1041 Gravel Rd.
Webster, NY 14580

Technotic Media…what do you guys do?

You should probably pay for sponsorship if you’re going to continue to promote on here.

I don’t know.


IIRC one of it’s main features is threatening to sue people over hilarious comments they make on the internet.

Or having the “most anticipated website launch EVER”


IIRC one of it’s main features is threatening to sue people over hilarious comments they make on the internet.



aren’t these friends of Moffit’s?

In OP’s defense too, he is offering a free open house…

Is it really advertising if noone is paying for anything?


In OP’s defense too, he is offering a free open house…

Is it really advertising if noone is paying for anything?


i was thinking the same.


aren’t these friends of Moffit’s?


Friends of my friends are not automatically MY friends.


I believe he is, but I still dont like him. Friends of my friends are not automatically MY friends. Especially when they were threatening to sue another friend of mine FOR SOMETHING HE SAID ON THE INTERNET AS A JOKE, or made an ass of themselves otherwise in my eyes.


This does not need to be brought up and you have absolutely no grounds not to like me. I don’t think being called a child molester on the internet was a joke, nor was it entertaining to my wife and family either. I’ve gotten over it, so should you. :wink:

I’ve had several PM’s into Daddie about sponsoring the site and I’m just waiting to work out pricing, so in time, I will be a sponsor. The open house is free! Just offering it up to everyone. We’ll have hot dogs, hamburgers, and soda for everyone, and you can check out our new building.

Anyways, I hope to meet some if you guys there, and meet more of the local guys. :tup:

He didnt call you a child molestor, but I’ll drop it for now.

Well, at least I know I won’t see Mister Moneyoye Falls there.


Well, at least I know I won’t see Mister Moneyoye Falls there.


Nope, but I miss you too Baby. :gay: WTF, roll with Brent to my place sometime.


WTF, roll with Brent to my place sometime.


They are probably too busy giving the Eiffel Tower to Brad to hang out with us anymore…

I crack up when spectating (and sometimes causing) internet dramaz and don’t even know of this “incident” you guys are talking about… so clearly it can’t be important as I’m unaware of it, and I helped Aiman and Al Gore invent the intarweb.

EDIT: found the “original thread” (nasioc?) and it seems like typical internet BS he-said-she-said drama. DeuxEx (phil?) seemingly unprovoked started shit, Technotic (mike) seemingly over-reacted, blah blah, rinse repeat.

But there’s also something to be said for “EVERYONE should fucking grow up and move on” and I’m all down for free food, what can I say, fat kids like me would let all kinds of atrocities go on as long as we’re being fed :smiley:

As I said, I’ve moved on :wink:

Come for free food you fat ass.


They are probably too busy giving the Eiffel Tower to Brad to hang out with us anymore…


Actually, I attribute my absence to my limited bullshit tolerance.


Dave, don’t say ‘it’ again or I’ll tell Moe to beat you up!


Actually, I attribute my absence to my limited bullshit tolerance.


yet you (and I) are still on roclife? :beer2:

See ya then Mike