Teen Killed Dad For Banning MySpace....


MESA, Ariz. – A teenager who confessed to killing his father last month told police he hated his dad for taking away his Internet access, according to a police report released Wednesday.

Hughstan Schlicker, 15, called 911 on Feb. 6 and told the dispatcher he had just shot his father in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun.

“I hate my dad, couldn’t take it anymore,” he said, according to the report.

Schlicker told police his father had taken away his Internet access after seeing suicide threats the teen had posted on social networking Web site MySpace.com.

Schlicker had posted the threats in January; friends in Florida had seen the postings, talked him out of killing himself and called Mesa police. Police said they told Schlicker’s mother about the threats; she allegedly told them she wasn’t worried and promised to lock up any guns in the house.

Schlicker said he often spent entire days on MySpace and couldn’t cope when his father cut off his access to the site.

“It felt like I was stabbed with a knife and it went straight through and … no matter how hard I pulled, I couldn’t pull out the knife,” Schlicker said, according to an interview transcript in the police report.

Schlicker said that on the day of the shooting, he called in sick from school by faking his father’s voice.

At one point during the day, Schlicker said, he went to the garage to get a drink and found his father’s shotgun and ammunition lying on the counter.

Schlicker said he took the gun to his room, intending to kill himself in front of his father when his father arrived home. He later changed his mind and decided to kill his father first, then kill himself, according to the police report.

Schlicker told police he had decided that if his father came home after 4 p.m., he wouldn’t carry out his plan; when his father came home early, at 2 p.m., Schlicker was waiting on the stairs with the shotgun, according to the report.

Schlicker said he waited till his father was in the kitchen, then walked up behind him and shot him in the back of the head.

After the shooting, Schlicker said, he called a female friend and told her he had killed his father and was about to kill himself. Schlicker said she talked him out of it and convinced him to call police instead.

Schlicker expressed remorse during a police interview, telling detectives “I wish I didn’t do this,” and “I miss Dad.”

During the interview, Schlicker portrayed his father as a loving man who only wanted the best for him and who used to take him on hunting trips.

“Me and my dad would go squirrel hunting,” Schlicker said, according to the interview transcript. “Apparently he trusts me with a rifle.”

Schlicker was charged with first-degree murder and will be tried as an adult.

wow. people are fucking retarded


sad :tdown:



way to go dumb shit you killed ur dad and now you miss him… awwwww…

i have no sympathy for you.


what a fucked up situation

He gets my vote for Failboat captain of the decade.

Someone find his myspace and post the link

i’m not going to read the news anymore because it makes me depressed everytime i do

ugh that’s just depressing. myspace is a fucking joke.

thats sickening thats why i hate people like that its fuckin myspace … they should shoot that kid

Hey, prison’s like Myspace too. Only instead of “New Messages!” popping up you get surprise shower sliders, and to “View My Friends” you’ll have to do it from behind a Lexan shield!


Provides the same effect of looking through a computer screen.

lol i bet his dad named him too, with a name like that the kid was bound to end it all

wow :frowning:

OP… hey, is your name Joey Baggs?

anyways… wtf?

truth… just wow

first jay don’t you have a myspace?Second his father is dumb.“my kid tells people on the internet he wants to die. i know ill just stop him from going on the internet”

doesn’t mean i use it LOL

yea and u just created a facebook account too jay lol